Monday, July 19, 2010

I Write Like...

So, I was putting up some of my writing, to this website called I Write Like (, and it said that I write like the following authors/editors:

Raymond Chandler
Harry Harrison
Stephen King
William Gibson
Cory Doctorow
David Foster Wallace
Dan Brown
Mark Twain
James Joyce
Margaret Atwood
Ursula K. Le Guin
Arthur Conan Doyle

Of those, the most common to show up from the various selections of writings I submitted to be analyzed are:

Harry Harrison
Cory Doctorow
David Foster Wallace
Dan Brown
Mark Twain

Of those, Harry Harrison, David Foster Wallace, and Mark Twain are the top, and particularly my favorites of those supposedly similar in writing style to me.

What does all that mean? Not a whole hell lot, save probably that, pick and choose the writers I want to be most associated with, I could use them to describe what my writing style is similar to, and better consider the range of my audience. Some of the authors are mainstream, so I can say that I have that sort of appeal, and a slant toward the liberal. Granted, majority of writers do slant that way, so big whoop there.

Anyways, thought it was interesting...

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